It's hard times for gardening here in Central Texas. August weather came early this year, in the latter half of May, and the heat has continued with relentless ferocity into June. A few plants can be considered to be "blooming" only in the broadest sense of the term. I have a Reve d'Or rose, for example, that's producing flowers that are beautiful for about ten minutes, before they shrivel up and turn brown.
OK, here's the list of blooms I found in the garden this afternoon:
Ruellia (a couple of cultivars plus numerous wild volunteers)
Perennial Phlox (variety developed by Fanick's in San Antonio)
Vinca minor
Reve d'Or rose (sort of)
Older varieties of Hybrid Tea rose (sort of)
Knockout rose and miniatures
Star Jasmine (Rhynchospermum jasminoides)
Althea Hibiscus (sort of -- flowers shrivel up and dry out soon after opening)
Petunias (old fashioned purple ones)
Coral Vine (Antiginon leptopus)
4 o'clocks
Crape Myrtle
canna lily
penta athena
Mealy Blue sage (Salvia farinacea) and various cultivars
Here's what I'm harvesting for the table:
Tomatoes (tons of tomatoes)
New potatoes
Green beans
Black eyed peas and Mandy beans will be ready to begin harvesting in a few days
Speckled butterbeans
Chiles (lots of different kinds)
Last of the sweet corn (plants all dried up from the hot weather)
Edible amaranth (red Chinese variety)
Herbs (oregano, basil, last of the dill and cilantro (marginal), chives, garlic greens, parsley,chicory, stevia, sage)
Last of the beets
Last of the strawberries
Last of the mulberries
The peach crop has failed, due to not enough chilling hours for some varieties and late frost for others. Same with the pears. The blackberries have dried up on the vines. (I'm glad my garden is not my sole source of food -- I'd be in big trouble).
Thanks for leaving a comment on my bloom day post. You've got a lot growing in your garden in all that heat!
ReplyDeleteCarol, May Dreams Gardens